District Residency
Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District serves the communities of Dacono, Firestone, and Frederick however not all properties in these towns/city are part of the Rec District. In order to qualify as a District resident and pay District rates for our programs and services, you must pay taxes to CVPRD.
There are two ways to find out if you're a District resident:
- Go to the Weld County Property Portal at https://www.co.weld.co.us/apps1/propertyportal/
- Search by name or address
- Click on the box that says "Taxing Districts"
- If you see "Carbon Valley Rec" listed under "Tax Authorities" it means you pay taxes to the District and are considered a District resident.
Property Tax Statement
If you see a Carbon Valley Rec tax (CVRC) on your property tax statement you are a part of the Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District.
Proper District documentation includes a property tax statement, ID for proof of residency, and either a bill or tax ID. You must use a physical address to receive District rates, P.O. boxes do not qualify.
If you are not a District resident, but live within Recreation District boundaries, you can petition the Board of Directors to be included into the District. In order to petition the Board complete an inclusion form (below) for the town in which you reside and either drop it off at the rec center or mail it to:
Carbon Valley Parks and Rec District
Attn: Bryan Hostetler
701 5th Street
Frederick, CO 80530
Please note that the Board of Directors will only consider petitions that include multiple properties from the same neighborhood or area. The minimum amount of petitions is 10 unincluded properties or 25% of all unincluded properties, whichever is greater. If you would like to be included in the district (and are a single residential property owner) the Board recommends gathering a larger list of neighbors to file for inclusion. If you are unable to gather additional inclusions, the Board will consider individual inclusions once each year during their November meeting. In order to have an inclusion heard at that meeting, if must be submitted by Oct. 15 at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions please contact Bryan Hostetler at bhostetler@cvprd.com.
The District boundary map represents the boundaries of the Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District however, not all properties within the boundaries are in the District (pay District taxes).

Questions? Please contact Katie Hyde at khyde@cvprd.com or 303-833-3660 x 106.