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Senior Resources

60+ Ride
Providing transportation services to ensure those 60 and older will be able to get to destinations necessary for maintaining their independence.

Area Agency on Aging
Weld County Area Agency on Aging offers a variety of programs and assistance for seniors. 

Carbon Valley Help Center
Local non-profit organization to assist with food and financial assistance

Caring is a senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones. For information on assisted living view their Colorado Resource Guide.

Meals on Wheels 
Meals on Wheels delivers nutritional, hot meals Monday through Friday to clients who cannot prepare meals for themselves. Breakfasts are available. Frozen meals are available for weekends.

Colorado Respite Coalition
The Colorado Respite Coalition (CRC) provides respite resources, information and referrals to support family caregivers accessing respite services. The CRC also operates programs to further increases respite access and awareness across the state, serving all ages and all special healthcare needs.

Dental, Vision and Hearing Program

Provides financial assistance to seniors in need of dental, vision and /or hearing aid services.  Available to Weld County residents age 60+.  970-400-6629

Family Caregiver Support 
Offers support, resources and information to assist caregivers. Open to Weld County residents caring for an individual age 60 and older or age 55 and over with a dementia diagnosis. 970-400-6130

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Program provides support and tools to grandparents and older adult caregivers of children.  The program offers support groups and educational workshops focusing on various challenges grandparents face when raising their grandchildren. 970-400-6133

Hispanic Elderly Outreach 
Bilingual workers assist Hispanic seniors by connecting them to community resources.

The RSVP Volunteers in Service (formally the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) invites adults age 55 and over to use their life experience and skills to answer the call of their neighbors in need.

Senior Feeding Program
The Weld County food bank Senior Feeding Program is the USDA Commodity Supplemental Food Program for seniors over 60 years of age. The program ensures that seniors, who are some of the most vulnerable to hunger, get the basic nutrition necessary for good health

TRU Community Care Connections
TRU Community Care, a nonprofit organization providing hospice and supportive services. TRU PACE will help older adults and their families navigate the complicated issues associated with aging

Weld Aging Well
The Weld Aging Well Program provides innovative workshops and classes that support the health and independence of older adults and their caregivers by giving them tools to better manage their health.

Weld County Assistance Programs
Struggling families, individuals, single moms, and the disabled (among others) can get help with paying bills ranging from rent to utility costs or a mortgage payments. There are also home buying programs, free legal aid, and even free groceries from a food pantry.

Weld County Senior Care with a Purpose
We serve senior citizens (age 55+) across Weld County, helping you remain safe and independent in your own home.

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